الخميس، 17 أكتوبر 2013

5 rules to make your life happier

 5 rules to make your life happier

Have you ever try to plan for your life, like put points and work on it, like a dream and put goals and try to reach it by time, step by step. I always do that even in my normal day I try to organize it I try to understand what I want in this day, I try to put goals and at the end of the day I look if I reach what I want or not.

When I was small accountant a great account said to me once (even if you work with wrong way but you are organized and you draw your goals you will reach success) from this day I try to be more organized in my life.

Now I will share 5 rules in shaa Allah it will make your life happier, and also it will put you in the right way, if you follow it right.

 5 rules to make your life happier

  • First of all love Allah.
To love your god it’s not just a word to say I love god , not let’s  say if you love someone you try to do all what this person love , right that’s what you should do  to love Allah , it’s so simple and easy  to love Allah , and do what Allah ask you to do , pray your prayers in time , always make dua and also you should read Quran every day .

  • You should always do good.
What are the means of doing good , we can but so many actions under that word doing good , put in your mind if you give help you will have it one day when you need it , doing good its like , helping people , give charity , give advice as you can ,number one to be is to help poor people because they need it , put so many actions as you wish under this word , doing good is also in how you treat people , its show in your behavior, so do good J

  • Always forgive
In our life we face so many things and so many bad people that make things hurt us, and also so good people do the same, if you learn how to forgive you will learn how to move on, how to leave the bad past to the new future, what we will gain from revenge, absolutely nothing just more pain, if you forgive you show to all worlds that you are better, you deserve the meaning of being human.

  • Harm no one
Allah gives us heart to feel with it, are you ready to kill this heart , yes by hurting and harm other you killing your heart and can you tell me how you reach happiness while you without a heart, if you really need to live a happier life you should leave all the hurting and harming behind you.

  • Always be positive
Being positive is not to agree about everything , no , being positive is to think that there is always something good will happen , whatever you do , and learn how to take responsibility for all your actions , and know that always there is hope .

I am almost finished, I wish that all of us In Shaa Allah find our way to the land of happiness , and gain all I want to say is happiness is beside our lord and happiness in our deeds , I will remember all of you in my duas and pray and I wish that all of you do the same ,  be positive and leave your comment

هناك تعليقان (2):

ملحوظة: يمكن لأعضاء المدونة فقط إرسال تعليق.